
There are many of us who believe that America is going in the wrong direction.  Morally, financially, politically, and spiritually we have all set ourselves on a path to destruction.  Our last hope for America is one well known in the history of Israel.  Israel followed a pattern of faithfulness to God followed by moral, financial, and political decline sometimes followed by slavery.  God saved them only to have the pattern to repeat.  America is not Israel but many of us are called by His name and we have this promise to Israel and we pray that as His people this will apply to us as well.
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14
We are saying here that no effective change can be found in our country's direction without a revival of God's people and a further spreading of the power of the gospel through His Holy Spirit across our nation.
We are offering this time as a call to prayer and fasting for revival in our country, across America.  The conventional 40 days of Biblical practice begins on Friday 9/28 leading up to election day 11/6.
As Christians familiar with the Bible, we are aware that fasting and prayer have been integral to the life of the church.  The Apostles fasted and prayed about every major decision.  Yet fasting has become somewhat rare in this latter years.  I know that I have heard little about it and have only fasted perhaps a few times in my life.
Fasting can be done in many ways.  Some will do a full water only fast for the forty days as Jesus did.  Some may do a Daniel fast limited to fruits and vegetables and water only.  Others will do a fast for only 1 day each of the weeks of this period, a common custom in the history of Israel.  Others may arrive at their pattern suitable to them.
Fasting has many benefits.  When coupled with prayer many have found tremendous new depths in their relationship with God. Additionally, the Bible tells us that God promises to respond to people who seek Him with all their heart.  The discomfort that comes with fasting is also a reminder to pray and a reminder from whom all our comforts come. Lastly, we are praying "for God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven".  We are fasting and praying in line with things that God wants to do anyway.  He wants to heal us. He wants us to seek Him.  He wants everyone to come to a knowledge of the truth so that they too many be among the people "from every tribe, and tongue, and nation" who will be found worshiping Him on that final day.  We may also be praying for Him to turn our country around and heal it. Perhaps He will provide a supernatural healing to our financial and political systems.
If you are interested in joining us for this time of prayer and fasting there will be many opportunities here and in churches across the country to share what God will do in your life as well as to pray together.  There is no question that God will honor with His deeper presence anyone who seeks Him.
We hope that you will check in here as your schedule permits and share your experiences in this endeavor, to read what others are discovering and perhaps to read some of the teachings that we hope will also be available here.